A middle grade reminder to keep going, no matter the odds.
Title: Why Did This Happen?
Author: Steven Salmon
Publisher: Robert D. Reed Publishers (February 2025)
Language: English
Format (Hardcover, Paperback, e-book): 145 pages
Genre: Middle Grade
ISBN: 979-8-89692-346-6
Reviewer: Laura Anne Bird
It's difficult to separate Steven Salmon the author from Steven Salmon the person.
Born with severe cerebral palsy, Salmon struggles to speak or move. His hands are tightened and the movement in his arms severely limited, both of which make typing impossible.
The former English major from University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point began his writing career by dictating to others; later he tried voice-recognition software, but his voice was hard to decipher. Now? He writes in Morse code, swaying his head from side to side. (He has pads placed on either side of him—one pad denoting a dash, the other a dot.)
Salmon says it’s important for him to leave a legacy by showing that people with disabilities can do anything, given the opportunity to succeed. Also, he writes freely about the barriers that have impacted him in the effort to serve as a voice for others.
In his latest middle grade novel, Why Did This Happen?, Salmon tackles tough subject matter, centered around twelve-year-old Caleb and his thirteen-year-old brother, Troy, who has cerebral palsy. In simple, clear language, Salmon depicts the usual sibling antics, but his story goes far beyond brotherly fights and resentment. The boys, along with their understandably exhausted and stressed-out mom, grapple with their father’s horrifying mental health challenges, domestic violence, and multiple suicide attempts. (Perhaps Salmon might consider including a trigger warning at the beginning of the novel?)
Salmon packs a lot into his story but occasionally glosses over the magnitude of his characters’ actions, such as when numerous adults glibly tell Caleb, “Things are going to be fine,” after his dad acts unconscionably. Spoiler alert: things are not fine. These heartbreaking moments would benefit from more depth and nuance, ideally to inspire readers to speak up and advocate for themselves in their own lives. To have at least one caring adult who listens—and validates—can make all the difference in the world to a struggling young person.
The growing understanding and bond between Caleb and Troy serve as the beating heart of Salmon’s book, and many readers will see themselves reflected in their tumultuous but ultimately loving relationship.
Salmon rounds out his story with engaging scenes of Troy navigating daily life from his wheelchair. I appreciate these no-nonsense moments because they will nudge readers to consider what it’s like to live with physical disabilities.
Overall, the takeaway from Why Did This Happen? is that Salmon writes with courage and heart, and his readers will appreciate knowing they are not alone in the challenges they face at home and at school. For any pre-teens who have hated their brothers, resisted their parents, or grappled with bullying at school, Salmon’s words are the reminder they need to keep going, no matter the odds.
Reviewer Bio:
A Milwaukee native, Laura graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in English. She lives in Madison with her husband, three big kids, and little dog. When she’s not reading, writing, or reviewing books, she loves to exercise and explore the outdoors. Marvelous Jackson (September 2024) is a follow-up to her middle grade debut, Crossing the Pressure Line (March 2022), which garnered awards from the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Midwest Independent Publishers Association, and the Arts + Literature Laboratory's Wisconsin Writers Awards program. Laura is an ambassador for Wisconsin Book Festival and a board member for Madison Public Library Foundation. Join her on Instagram (@laura_at_the_library), where she celebrates all things literary.